
April 15, 2023

Episode 86 The LONG COVID Solution with Carla Kuon, MD

"Rest, drink fluids, and you will get over it" That is what most people are being told when they have been diagnosed with Long Covid. With many of these cases of Long-covid lasting months to years; that advice is not …

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March 26, 2023

Therapies for Long Covid with Dawn Ipsen, PharmD

Episode 85: In this episode, I welcome on Dr. Dawn Ipsen who is a pharmacist that is out of the Seattle area. She is a professor of pharmacology at the University of Washington and at Bastyr University and also an …

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Feb. 26, 2023

PANDAS and PANS with Dr. Jill Crista

In episode #84 we welcome back a familiar name to our audience: Dr. Jill Crista. Dr. Crista is back to discuss another area of her expertise Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcal Inf...

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Jan. 19, 2023

Neurostabilization with Amber Walker

Episode 83: Neurostabilization with Amber Walker. Link in Profile and below, or Scan QR code on picture. The worlds of Mast Cell Activation Disorder, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, and Hypermobility Ehlers Danlos...

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Dec. 28, 2022

Reversing Interstitial Cystitis /Painful Bladder Syndrome with Dr. Ma…

Current studies estimate that 2.7% to 6.5% of women in the United States have symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS). The broad range in prevalence depends on whether a hi...

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Dec. 13, 2022

IBS 2022 Year in Review with Dr. Mark Pimentel

T- 💡 The last five years have seen significant progress in understanding the microbiome's role in IBS and SIBO. Dr. Pimentel highlights the importance of specific strains of bacteria, such as E.coli and Klebsiella, in causing disruptions in the gut. …

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Dec. 7, 2022

Heart Rate Variability with Marco Altini, PhD

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a key metric in the overall homeostatic balance of the body. HRV is simply a measure of the variation in time between each heartbeat. This variation is controlled by a primitive part of the ne...

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Nov. 20, 2022

Gut Directed Hypnotherapy Linda Stelluti

A game changing moment in my career happened when I learned that mind/body therapies in Irritable Bowel Syndrome have a number needed to treat (NNT) of 4. Meaning 1 out of 4 people, experience statistically significant ben...

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Nov. 4, 2022

Vaginal Microbiome with Elizabeth DuPriest, PhD

So many people are dealing with Vulvovaginal issues such as vulvodynia and vaginitis. I wanted to bring an expert on to share some insights on these conditions. So I reached out to Beth DuPriest, PhD the Chief Science Officer...

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Sept. 22, 2022

Healing From Trauma with Dr. Aimie Apigian

Trauma and trauma-related disorders is a topic I hold great reverence for . I was waiting for the moment when I could welcome a guest with the right credentials to discuss it with my audience. It was well worth the …

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Sept. 14, 2022

Bone Fracture Reduction with John Neustadt, ND

In this episode , I welcome back a personal friend, colleague, and repeat guest on the podcast ; Dr. John Neustadt. He was with before to speak about Osteoporosis and Sleep Health . Dr. Neustadt is back to share with …

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Aug. 31, 2022

Women's Metabolism throughout life with Stacy Sims, PHD

In this episode I welcome on the esteemed exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist Stacy Sims, PhD. My patients have been hearing me talk about her for years when I first started recommending her book ROAR . And, now w...

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Aug. 13, 2022

What's in your tap water? with Dr. Aly Cohen

Hello Friends! Today I bring you Aly Cohen, MD a triple board certified Integrative Rheumatologist and environmental health expert. I have followed Dr. Cohen and her work with The Smart Human for a while and also have been reading her …

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July 13, 2022

Follicle Chronicles; A deep dive into Alopecia with Jill Grunewald

Alopecia The human scalp contains approximately 100,000 to 150,000 hair follicles; its easy to take hair for granted until you start to lose it. Hair loss is a complex area of health care as there are many different types inc...

Episode page
June 23, 2022

Integrative Addiction Medicine with Dr. Ravi Chandiramani

There are fewer more human and humbling experiences then struggling with addiction . Nearly everyone listening to this podcast either has struggled with addiction or has a loved one or friend that has struggled or struggles w...

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May 3, 2022

Obesity and the Hypothalamus with Stephan Guyenet, PhD

If weight loss were as easy as calories in vs. calories out then, it wouldn't even be something we talk about. It turns out the brain regulatory pathways are a core reason why weight loss is so difficult. Sitting in …

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April 5, 2022

Acknowledging Mold and Mycotoxin Illness with Dr. Lauren Tessier

Mold and Mycotoxin Illness is a Neuro-immune-Endocrine Disorder How can one thing disrupt so many systems? It is quite fascinating and informative to learn this from my dear colleague, Dr. Lauren Tessier, who is back with us ...

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March 23, 2022

The Immunotoxicity of Plastics with Dr. Anne Marie Fine

Plastics are everywhere They are in our food, beverage containers, beauty products, and many more. This consistent exposure can be harming our immune system to a great degree. We need to learn how to make smart choices when it comes …

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March 11, 2022

Ditching the Toxins with Wendie Trubow, M.D.

Some Toxin exposure is unavoidable . We live in a toxic world. However how much exposure, the types of exposure, and the way we process toxins is more in our control. The immune system, nervous system, metabolism, and endocrine system …

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Feb. 20, 2022

Biological Factors In Long-Covid with Dr. Amy Proal

According to the CDC, Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), also known as “Long COVID,” are long-term symptoms that might be experienced weeks to months after primary infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-1...

Episode page
Jan. 26, 2022

NAD with Dr. Chris Meletis

Slowing aging , preserving memory, and preserving energy are big topics of concern in medicine and health care. Over the past 10 years research and development has show a special interest in how to modify Sirtuin-1 as a prote...

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Jan. 1, 2022

WIALD: On Bloating

In this episode we speak about Bloating. the difference between bloating and distention. What things you can try to day to help if you are struggling with bloating and what to pursue if basic things are not helping/ --- Sen...

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Dec. 22, 2021

Joshua Goldberg, ND Evidence Based Medicine in Naturopathic Medicine

Today I welcome on my friend and colleague Dr. Joshua Goldenberg to speak about Evidence based practice within the Naturopathic Medicine profession and more specifically when it comes to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Sma...

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Dec. 14, 2021

Female Hormones after 40 with Dr. Lara Briden

In this episode, I welcome an old friend of the podcast Dr. Lara Briden a Naturopathic Physician based in New Zealand who is a world-renowned expert on the hormone health and endocrine related women’s health concerns. You ca...

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