The human genome project led to the understanding that the genetics in our body are only about 1% human! What else makes up the genetics our microbiota? The other genetics in our body are from bacteria, viruses, fungi, phages, archaea and the likes that live in our body; predominately in our gut. …
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome encompasses a consortium of imbalances in the body that results in suffering from sensitivities to foods, chemicals, and environmental triggers. These sensitivities seem to be mediated by over re...
One of my favorite sayings in life is " As above , so below" . This can certainly apply to the skin disorders. As we learn more about skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne we are seeing that that deeper i...
In this episode we dive into the fundamentals and evidence-based use of probiotics with a probiotic expert Dr. Jason Hawrelak. About our guest: Jason Hawrelak, PhD, is a research scientist, educator, naturopath and Western he...
The Low Fodmap Diet is the most researched diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and is estimated to help alleviate symptoms in upwards of 40-70% of IBS patients. Not many people know more about the low fodmap diet then ou...
Do the bugs in your gut influence whether you are anxious, depressed, clear-headed, or distracted? Well, it turns out quite possibly. Future depression prescriptions may be custom probiotics rather then Prozac. I invited Sc...