Environmental Medicine Episodes

June 3, 2024

Episode 101. PANS and PANDAS with Dr. Nancy O'hara

Pediatric Acute Onset Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus Infection and Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome is a troubling condition that involves sudden onset of OCD, anxiety, tics, sometimes aggression, sometimes ADHD, sometimes depression, sometimes dysgraphia.. t…

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July 3, 2023

Episode 88 Treating Autoimmunity Integratively with Dr. Akil

Autoimmune diseases often have multifactorial causes, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and immune system dysregulation. Integrative treatments aim to identify and address these under...

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Aug. 13, 2022

What's in your tap water? with Dr. Aly Cohen

Hello Friends! Today I bring you Aly Cohen, MD a triple board certified Integrative Rheumatologist and environmental health expert. I have followed Dr. Cohen and her work with The Smart Human for a while and also have been reading her book Non-Toxic: Guide to Living Healthy in a Chemical World; In …

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April 5, 2022

Acknowledging Mold and Mycotoxin Illness with Dr. Lauren Tessier

Mold and Mycotoxin Illness is a Neuro-immune-Endocrine Disorder How can one thing disrupt so many systems? It is quite fascinating and informative to learn this from my dear colleague, Dr. Lauren Tessier, who is back with us ...

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March 23, 2022

The Immunotoxicity of Plastics with Dr. Anne Marie Fine

Plastics are everywhere  They are in our food, beverage containers, beauty products, and many more. This consistent exposure can be harming our immune system to a great degree. We need to learn how to make smart choices when it comes to plastic exposures In this episode I welcome on Dr.…

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March 11, 2022

Ditching the Toxins with Wendie Trubow, M.D.

Some Toxin exposure is unavoidable . We live in a toxic world. However how much exposure, the types of exposure, and the way we process toxins is more in our control. The immune system, nervous system, metabolism, and endocrine system  can all be impacted if we are overloaded with certain bur…

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Aug. 26, 2020

The Bile and Mold Connection with Dr. Jill Crista

Bile and biliary dysfunction are intimately connected with mold-related illness. In fact, so connected that a key strategy to overcome mycotoxin illness is to help your bile rid of mycotoxin. Bile does so much in our body . N...

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April 1, 2020

Mold-related Illness with Dr. Lauren Tessier

Mold related illness with mold expert Dr. Lauren Tessier. In this episode we gain a great understanding of mold related illness including Mycotoxicosis (mycotoxin illness) and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). Sp...

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